Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
Text File
252 lines
{5By Merlyn/LoreKeeper / The Magic Guild
{1Mighty towers all but blotted out the
skyline. Slim,graceful spires topped
with gay-coloured banners stretched
like pine trees towards the skies.
The grand castle on the hill-top
dominated the view for miles around.
It certainly dominated the trio, who
trudged up the dusty road towards
Castle Camelot.
"Did I ever tell you about the
incident of Sir Gawain and The Green
The eldest of the three, a tall,
though slightly stooped man, obviously
connected to the magical arts,
adressed his youngest companion.
Like his elder, the youth was dressed
in a wizard`s garb. Tall, pointed, as
yet unadorned hat, wide cloak and a
fussilade of magical artifacts and
implements strapped on his back.
The last member of the party,
especially gaily clad, carried a small
harp on top of his haversack. Thus
easily recognised as a bard.
"I seem to recall a tale involving a
beautiful damsel in distress",
ventured the youth, whose name was
"Aye! A safe bet where our noble Sir
Gawain is concerned", snorted the old
mage, "his metier is damsels in
distress. More often than not the
poor creatures are far more distressed
after Gawain`s galant rescues of
"Pardon me, noble Sires!", interrupted
the bard Elminster, "but I think
there`s someone who desires a word or
two with us. "Indicating a knight on
a magnificent warhorse, who was
galloping pell-mell towards the trio.
Reining in his horse in a veritable
storm-cloud of dust and sand, inches
from the magical trio, the knight
sprang from the saddle and clasped the
old wizard in a bear-hug.
"Merlyn, oh my dear Merlyn! At last
you`re back!"
Holding the wizard at arm`s length the
knight shook Merlyn vigorously. His
eyes sparkled through the slits in his
face-covering, great helmet. Teeth
rattling and pointed hat asked, Merlyn
glared at the horseman!
"Ye-ye...yes!", he stottered,"ENOUGH!
Remember i'm an old man, Arthur!"
"Arthur?... King Arthur!", Meegosh
stared at the knight and abruptly
dropped to a knee, in the graceful,
age-old gesture of reverence.
Elminster quickly followed suit,
lowering his eyes respectfully.
The renowned king Arthur! From birth
in the care of the wizard Merlyn at
the castle of Sir Hector. Mighty
deeds in the battles against King Lot
of Orkneys, tales of The Round Table,
the dreaded sorceress Morgana le Fey,
the gallant Sir Lancelot and the
beautiful Queen Guinevere flooded the
minds of Merlyn`s two young fellow-
Bowing courtiously to the duo, King
Arthur turned, grabbed hold of Merlyn
once more and heaved his old mentor
onto his white,proud stallion.
Frantically grabbing hold of the
steed`s mane, Merlyn clung on for dear
life, as the quartet made their way
towards Castle Camelot.
As the sun dipped below the castle`s
buttresses,the company found
themselves in the great throne-room of
Castle Camelot. Immidiately in front
of King Arthur`s throne, resided the
famous Round Table.
Several of the king`s honored knights
were seated at their respective
places,their chairs bearing plaques
engraved with their names. Merlyn
nodded knowingly to Sir Gawain,Sir
Lancelot, Sir Mordred and Sir Galahad.
The thronehall was stuffed with
dignitaries, ambassadors from foreign
realms, dogs and parrots, knights,
damsels, pots and pans. In short the
usual riff raff constituting ordinary
medieval courtlife.
Dinner well over, it was time for
entertainment. Various artists of
varying professions and qualities
having performed, Elmister entered the
stage. His magical songs brought
thunderous applause as well as the
usual amount of cat calls and untimely
whistles and raspberries.
As the din died down and Elminster had
resumed his seat among the king`s most
honorary guests, a wizard carrying his
magical wand approached their table.
Merlyn raised his eyes questioningly
at the stranger.
"Please excuse my forwardly manners,
noble Sires", the wizard said, "but
I am a wizard. My name is Cronos and
I seek audience with the mighty Arch-
mage Merlyn.
Pray who in this esteemed company bear
that name?" King Arthur gestured to
his old mentor, sitting on his right
Silently awaiting the stranger`s
request, Merlyn let his eyes roam over
the wizard`s attire, noting it's
foreign cut.
"I'm from the Southern Domains",
Cronos continued, "and I seek
admission in the famous Magic Guild."
Merlyn rose to his feet and with a
gesture indicated an interview in more
private quarters.
In the topmost tower of Castle
Camelot, Merlyn had his private rooms.
Mumbling an order to the guardsman on
post, Merlyn closed the heavy oak door
Whatever discussions, tests and topics
were performed in the rooms, will have
to await another tale. Enough to say
that as the morning mist shrouded the
castle, the two wizards re-appeared in
the throne hall.
Elminster and Meegosh were among the
few revellers still awake. Merlyn
hastened over to their table.
Praising Cronos`s fabulous skills as a
wizard as well as performing some
newly aquired spells, Merlyn
introduced Cronos to his two fellow
Warm handshakes and merry
conversations were interrupted by the
enterance of a huge tawny cat, which
weaved its lumbersome way among the
pots and pans littering the table.
A spikestudded gauntlet wizzed past
Meegosh`s ear and hit the poor feline
squarely in the face. The unforseen
contact sent the squealing creature
spinning through the air! Hissing and
spitting the cat left the room in a
hurry as the gauntlet`s mate sought
it's target.
"Cor!", exclaimed Merlyn, "I thought
that incident was dead and buried!"
"Dead and buried was what that blasted
Caspar should have been!", roared King
Arthur as he hurried off in search of
his valued war-gauntlets.
Casting puzzled glances at Merlyn, his
fellow wizards obviously desired an
explanation for the King`s all too
obvious wrath.
Huffing his shoulders, Merlyn looked
ruefully at the King`s retreating back
and launched into the following tale;
"The feline you just caught a glimse
of, is Queen Guinevere`s infamous male
cat Caspar", he began. "Caspar used
to terrorize the entire county,
stalking whatever moved! It was the
axe for him, however when he caught
and molested King Arthur`s prize
hunting falcon. Or rather the knife!"
King Arthur shows queer strains of
querky nature sometimes. He had
Caspar castrated on the spot, so to
speak! Caspar`s newfound lamentable
lifestyle didn't lay the poor creature
open for abuse by all and sundry,
though. He was and still is Queen
Guinevere`s most favoured pet!
My familiar, the owl Archimedes,
having an ingrained disrespect for
highly placed personae (as long as
they dont spawn wings!), found a new
hobby though. Whenever Caspar lays
down to contemplate his dire destiny,
Archimedes`ll swoop down on him and
call in a high-pitched voice;
Despite the tale`s sad contents,
Meegosh couldnt withhold a burst of
laughter. Uproarious laughter soon
echoed among the roof-beams high above
the heads of the four TMGs, as the
other three follow suit.
Thus ends the tale of Cronos`s entry
into The Magic Guild.